Become a Part of my Patreon Community
Relying 100% on astrological work to meet all of my financial needs as a human who doesn’t share expenses with anyone else is no joke. I would not be here without the many forms of support I’ve gotten from folks who believe in the work I’m doing.
I also have a very strong commitment to making astrology and soul work accessible to folks of all income levels. Figuring it out how to make this work sustainable as a full time job has been quite the adventure! But ultimately, getting to do this work full time is a dream come true.
Patreon -- a monthly subscription service -- allows me to keep the work I do financially accessible for folks, while also ensuring I have a baseline income and get paid for all the things you don’t see in a session or class (you know, like the creation of this website… or admin work… or graphic creation, writing, research, etc).
It also allows me to center relational and community-oriented healing.
I started my Patreon Campaign in March of 2017. My supporters tend to fall under three categories:
Folks who have the means and desire to support my work without making use of the incentives provided
Folks who want to stay connected and engaged, and who are seeking to learn astrology, work with me in an ongoing manner, and/or who are interested in learning about themselves and the world through community
Newer astrological/spiritual practitioners
The community that has come together over the years at AstroCircles, Community Hangouts and Full Moon calls is really incredible, and what we have currently is a dynamic group of individuals who come together multiple times during the month to share stories and practice together. It’s gorgeous.
Patreon provides a way for me to offer up something I've often wished I had access to as I was learning astrology -- ongoing, financially accessible support and education from a seasoned professional who loves the magic that arises from a relational approach to astrology and practical woo.
If my Patreon continues to grow, I will also have something incredibly precious and necessary: time and space to dream up ideas and understandings that further the work.
What’s Included
Pure Patronage
+ access to Discord server
with monthly divination swaps, discussions and more
new moon guidance + astrobabble
+live full moon call + community hangout/QA
+access to live astrocircles*
+eclipse window energetic prep sessions
+exclusive access to bimonthly patron-only podcast episodes
+patreon starter kit: 1.) creating your own altar PDF 2.) all about rituals PDF 3.)all about rituals video recording and 4.) creating your own ritual workshop recording
+a copy of my NORWAC 2022 lecture Queering Astrology (video)
+access to discord server with monthly divination swaps, discussions and more*
And More
all incentives from the $12 level
+access to live and recorded AstroCircles (at least 6/year)
+access to quarterly learning labs (June 2024-Mar 2025 will focus on the signs)
+access to quarterly chart clinics
+recording of the full moon call
+access to an archive of 50+ recorded classes and workshops*
+a free one on one session with me every six months
+discounted DMP and somatic exploration sessions
+discounted year ahead readings
And More
all incentives from the lower levels except Learning Labs
+ a one on one session with me each month
+discounted DMP and somatic exploration sessions
+discounted year ahead readings
*For descriptions of offerings see the “about” tab at
Community Altar 2020
Amanda teaching in 2015