Pisces New Moon

(note to reader: as I announced to my mailing list recently, I am now offering the opportunity to work together in a more consistent, longer term setting. somatic psychosynthesis sessions are geared towards building a relational container through which we can work through spiritual and emotional material in ways that help connect you with your deepest sense of self. you can get more info over here.)

A Pisces New Moon, exact on Sunday, March 10 at 1:00am PST, positions us at the precipice. Considering the plunge into the next new thing. Sensing the ways past, present and future swirl together in marrow, blood and sweat. One form dissolving as another takes root.

This lunation takes place with Sun and Moon nestled between Saturn and Neptune, planets whose vibes are anything but nestle-y, instead verging toward the highly consequential. Over the next two years, Saturn and Neptune are finishing up a story line. One that requires that we recognize the ways humanity can bring both dream and nightmare into reality and make concerted efforts to plant seeds in support of the dream while acknowledging the potentials for worst case scenarios and taking bold steps to prevent them.

Or stop the ones that have already come to pass. 

Saturn makes leaden that which has gone unacknowledged. It turns to gold that which is owned and approached with humility, rewarding patient and consistent steps toward mastery.

Jupiter is overseeing this lunation as well as Venus’ coming sojourn through her heart home of Pisces. This combination expands our ability to tune into compassion and empathy as core values. Values that can help us remember that coming back to our senses increases our ability to be present – and therefore our ability to move forward. 

This New Moon marks the technical beginning of a lunar cycle that features two eclipses, beginning with a Full Moon eclipse on March 25 that will see the Sun’s light casting a shadow on the Moon in a bloody display. This eclipse cycle promises new developments related to what went down last October during the initiatory cycle of this series of eclipses. We would all do well to take steps now to contribute to a vision of peace born from fierce commitment to justice, freedom and the sanctity of human life.

Venus in Pisces can in many ways be seen and experienced as a balm and healing salve for wounds forced open by ongoing atrocity and despair. Connection flows more easily. We reach for that which is transcendent and saturated with bliss. Empathy and compassion give us no choice but to witness the ways the world around us and within us are inherently geared towards healing.

But we have to pay attention. And with that attention can come despair. Grief. Existential crisis. The urge to escape. Venus in Pisces asks us to lean into relationship with all things – plants, animals, objects, ancestors, spirits, humans – as medicine for what our souls are tangling with and for the isolation so many are feeling right now.

It is important, however, to keep in mind that Venus is currently ruler of the south lunar node, which has been helping us release relationship patterns that have outworn their welcome since July 2023. Keep an eye on the roles you play, when and where you put on those rose colored glasses, and the more tender emotions associated with the roles that feel incongruent with who you are or want to be. Around March 21 you might find yourself coming up against old, painful limits and boundaries. Know that these aches won’t last forever; release them into the cauldron of the coming eclipses on March 25 and April 8. 

Pisces knows something about holding the tension between hope and reality. The two aren’t always paradoxical, but these days they often are. The depths of the ocean can be where hope goes to die. And yet… water is in fact life.  And the Aries North Node continues to offer us lessons in what it means to wield the radical responsibility of freedom for all. 

Venus in Pisces Horoscopes
These horoscopes are meant to be read for your rising sign, although your Sun sign might work, too. If you don’t know your rising sign (ascendant), you can visit www.astro-seek.com or www.astro.com to find out. If you are one of my Patrons and you know I have your chart, feel free to email me and ask. 

All horoscopes are offered in devotion to the healing of the earth and all of its beings. If the words below are meaningful to you and in any way impact your own magical, spiritual or psychological workings,  I encourage you to meaningfully dedicate your own process to the healing of the world or other collectively oriented goal.

I drew a tarot card for each sign. This is meant as a helper for you to learn about if you’re so inclined. 

Dearest Pisces,
Softness and stillness are assets to you now, even in the smallest doses. The next few weeks are an opportunity to let the magic of a Piscean Venus ease wounds you have accumulated over the last several years. Do your best to be gentle with yourself. These days might feel tender, but there is a preciousness emerging as well; and your life is indeed precious. Make a practice of intentionally connecting with each of the four elements at least once a day. Make a list of your spiritual, relational and physical resources if needed. Just so you can see that you have them.
What is trying to emerge: your faith in yourself
Try to let go of: holding everyone else’s everything
Tarot helper: The Emperor

Dearest Aries,
The liminal spaces of the world are calling. Twilight and sunrise. The dreamworld, the astral planes. All of the spaces between here and there are worth leaning into and learning from.  A new relationship between you and the collective is forming. Within that, opportunities to recognize all the ways that freedom is vital to every part of who you are – and what a gift it would be to work towards a world where everyone has that access.
What is trying to emerge: ways to prioritize relationships that center shared values
Try to let go of: the roles you play that make you mad
Tarot helper: The Emperor

Dearest Taurus,
When I look at your chart, my mind goes “Zing!” Like, quite literally – I can hear, sense and feel the word. Some kind of call to action has recently zapped into your life, and it looks as if you are rising to the occasion. Thank you! And now… time for a new phase. This once centers new dreams of what it might mean to live and love within a community of like-minded souls. The trick? Don’t confuse what you think you want now for what you will want ten – or even two – years from now. You can’t be the leader you’re meant to be if you cling to the leader you already are. Call on the fierceness that runs through your lineages, but be aware that there’s some crankiness there. Keep a cup of water handy for the sake of cooling the flames.
What is trying to emerge: consistent efforts towards the future you want while also holding it lightly
Try to let go of: self-sacrificial tendencies; care for your body, friend
Tarot helper: Knight of Wands

Dearest Gemini,
Your heart and mind might be more silent than usual. Like the thoughts are drifting around, up and out instead of.. whatever it is they’re usually doing. I’m going to advise some timeline-jumping for you.  Spend some time summoning the version of you that is alive and well in one of the timelines where everything is right, well and healed in the world just 20-30 short years away. What does that world look and feel like? Or what is it you would like to see happen? Allow yourself to imagine the possibilities. Connect with vision and allow it to re-shape your mission in this life. Not as a worker or employee, but as a human on a sacred mission to contribute to a better world. 
What is trying to emerge: a new relationship to legacy
Try to let go of: the idea that your contributions have to be special or unique
Tarot helper: Six of Swords

Dearest Cancer
Have you connected with the water recently, friend? I have no doubts it is a regular part of your life. But have you really paid attention to it? Noticing ripples and color and quenching and maybe even thirst? Water is life, after all. Something is dissolving now in terms of what you Believe about the nature of reality. At the same time, it seems like Venus herself is beckoning to you and wanting to connect. I recommend gazing at bodies of water, and listening to their messages. Singing a song of blessing to your dear friend (the water!) before you take a drink. And contemplating the ways principles of flow, purification and oceanic emotions are present in everyday life.
What is trying to emerge: a relationship with the cosmos that is more vast than you ever imagined
Try to let go of: who your family told you you needed to be

Dearest Leo,
Intimacy comes in many forms, friend. In some ways, you might be longing for all-engulfing, ultimate merging. I’m not here to tell you you’re wrong. I have some guesses, however, that right now your conception of intimacy, collaboration and resource-sharing is undergoing an overhaul that might feel less than fun. The resulting “blahs” might make that urge to merge a little more escapist than normal, though. So that’s something to keep an eye on. Bigger picture: I’m all for you reaching for spicy, unctuous and carnal pleasures with an eye towards respecting your emotional needs and boundaries. Remember: erotic pleasure and intimacy doesn’t have to be a human-to-human thing. The world around you is conspiring to connect with you in the name of depth and bliss. Which might just be one of your favorite combos. 
What is trying to emerge: Intimacy and depth with all of creation (cool, right?!)
Try to let go of: ancient relational pain; it’s okay to go slowly
Tarot helper: Eight of Wands

Dearest Virgo
I typed the word “Virgo” and instantly heard Mariah Carey in my head:
Dream lover come rescue me
Take me up, take me down
Take me anywhere you want to baby now
I need you so desperately…

I had to chuckle. And then immediately share that with you because I love it when I get to be a bit more light-hearted with my dearest Virgo brethren. Did you know, Virgo, that the Pisces energy I’m so focused on in these ‘scopes is known as your opposite? The signs of the zodiac operate through a series of polarities, and Pisces is the total, undifferentiated nebulous abyss to your super detail-oriented, everything-in-its-right-place, perfectly arranged organizer drawer style. The next several weeks might be a good time to let yourself connect with the dreamers in your life, if not the grievers. Often they can be one in the same. Those who have a vision of the world that you can get on board with. Those who are feeling the same things as you when it comes to the world situation. Give them some grace when it comes to doing it “right.” We all have a lot to learn.
What is trying to emerge: healing through interpersonal connection
Try to let go of: connections that aren’t feeling right
Tarot Helper: Wheel of Fortune

Dearest Libra,
Folks often associate Libra with balance. They’re not wrong. It’s a core key word. The thing is, dear friend, that sometimes you feel so responsible for keeping the balance, or being in balance, that you might loose sight of the fact that balance is not a static state. It is fluid. Seeking it can be a worthy goal, but sometimes I worry that doing so takes a toll on… well, your sense of equilibrium. At this point it looks like what can most help to bring the scales into balance is to make sure that your own system – your body, soul and spirit - are tended to and replenished. A short daily practice (breathing? Yoga? Reading some poetry? Listening to a favorite song? It can be anything!) would go a long way to helping you not only harmonize a bit more with the world outside, but help you listen a little bit more to the world within.
What is trying to emerge: the practice of scheduling in time for spaciousness
Try to let go of: the notion that anything can be perfect/that anything isn’t already perfect
Tarot helper: Six of Pentacles

Dearest Scorpio,
Last month I spoke to you of the intense liberation you seem to be going through, and everything in that blurb still seems really relevant.  My wish for you during this Venus in Pisces season is that you get to express some of what you’re learning. That might just be through talking to someone about it. But what I’m seeing in my mind’s eye is you spattering red paint at a wall or a canvas. Furiously cutting out images for collage while you focus on expressing your relationship to passion. Or peace. Rearranging your altar so that it more accurately reflects what you love the most. Kissing deeply and passionately and letting it melt into a warm hug. Do something that helps you integrate and express everything you’ve been experiencing at an emotional level – even if in small doses.
What is trying to emerge: contact with your divine spark of genius
Try to let go of: The notion that intensity is the only thing that can keep you safe
Tarot helper: Four of Cups

Dearest Sagittarius,
I talk about ancestral reconnection/healing work a lot. What I realize needs to perhaps be acknowledged more explicitly is that sometimes connecting with our lineage – any of them, be they biological, cultural, religious, or whatever – is painful as fuck. It is tender work. And it can be done in a multitude of ways. Some aspect of ancestral or familiar healing seems to be up for you right now. I can see tenderness and grace, and I can see confusion and a whole lot of boundarylessness (what a word!). What I want you to know is that you are never alone and that you have heaping doses of love surrounding you always, but especially right now.
What is trying to emerge: peace
Try to let go of: being harsh with yourself

Dearest Capricorn,
Capricorn and Pisces are two energies that are connected by a helpful aspect we call a sextile. This confuses me in some ways because you, my dearest, are all about the structure and form. What is most practical. And Pisces… well, that energy’s not about those things at all. Where the helping connection comes in between them is when those structures and forms are used to support the flow. And so. What seems to be coming through loud in clear is that you have something important to say. I don’t know who to, and I don’t even know if you realize it yet. But something is changing in your map of the world around you and the ways you want to communicate about it. Give yourself opportunities to think differently. Maybe make time to do some free form journaling about whatever topics are occupying your thoughts. Or write a two page spiritual autobiography. And if nothing makes sense – write some love letters. To yourself, your loved ones, and the earth.
What is trying to emerge: thoughtfulness
Try to let go of: attachment to outcome (sorry!)
Tarot helper: Four of Wands

Dearest Aquarius,
As your entire identity – and relationship to your past – continues to shift, so does your relationship to resources and values. I sense some tension between your idealized vision of how you use your resources versus how you have to use your resources in order to get by in our really fucked up society – or something like that. This Pisces New Moon, combined with Venus transit through Pisces, supports your budding new relationship to money and finances. But it’s more than that. This is about your relationship to resources and resourcing. As I type these words, I hear my guides in my ears telling me you’ll hate to hear that, though. So here’s what they want me to add: you are a gift to this world (for reals), and in some ways, connecting with the value systems of capitalism might tap you into grief a bit more than you can bear. You are not alone in this. Use the next few weeks to reconsider what is most valuable to you, as well as your resources of all kinds. Look for innovative new foundations for your life to make an appearance in late April. Your most impossible seeming dreams are in fact quite possible.
What is trying to emerge: radical love of self
Try to let go of: stubbornness as defense mechanism
Tarot helper: Strength

Amanda is a queer astrologer who is very into relational, evolutionary and psychological astrologies. Sometimes she also writes about the world and her place in it. You can support her ability to continue doing this work — and get rad incentives like monthly AstroCircles, community hangouts with QA and free sessions through Patreon.
Or, if you’re ready, you can always
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Aries New Moon


Love Songs at the End of the World: The First