Virgo New Moon

(this article originally appeared as part of my Patronfriends’ monthly full color, glorious New Moon AstroBabble + Ritual Guidance PDF; you can access a free copy of the current version here)

When I was in grad school, my life centered around the world of CG Jung and depth psychology, a branch of the social science that emerged from Jung’s work. Just picking up Jung’s biography as I sat down to write this made my heart flutter with joy. In a way that actually brought some tears!  The opening I experienced while immersed in that work was all at once like a homecoming and an entirely new world. 

As my studies deepened – and I dove into a fully experiential dance with the material I was learning about – I was spending a lot of time thinking about astrology. Although I had been a casual fan of our dear celestial art since my teens, at the time I was only a few years into more focused study. I was also in the middle of my Saturn return, which highlighted the Virgo-Pisces axis in my chart. I was having a hard time understanding the connection between these mutable polar opposites. 

And then I read this passage from Jung’s Memories, Dreams, Reflections (one of my favorite books of all time if you must know):

“About this time I had a dream which both frightened and encouraged me. It was night in some unknown place, and I was making slow and painful headway against a mighty wind. Dense fog was flying along everywhere. I had my hands cupped around a tiny light which threatened to go out at any moment. Everything depended on my keeping this little light alive. Suddenly I had the feeling that something was coming up behind me. I looked back, and saw a gigantic black figure following me. But at the same moment I was conscious, in spite of my terror, that I must keep my little light going through night and wind, regardless of all dangers. When I awoke I realized at once that the figure was a ‘specter of the Brocken,’ my own shadow on the swirling mists, brought into being by the little light I was carrying. I knew, too, that this little light was my consciousness, the only light I have. My own understanding is the sole treasure I possess, and the greatest. Though infinitely small and fragile in comparison with the powers of darkness, it is still a light, my only light.”(p87-88)

I was able to recognize the image of The Hermit from the tarot within this dream. The Hermit, of course, corresponds with Virgo (at least according to some more modern decks). The Hermit is the figure that essentially “goes inside” to figure out how things work – be they internal or external – so that they can be of use. Shine their light out there in the world.

And, of course, the swirling mists and fogs land quite well with Piscean imagery. 

All at once, I felt a surge of sympathy for the plight of Virgo, hanging out across the circle from Pisces. All too aware of the looming abyss where everything gets swallowed up whole and nothing can be seen clearly. And so Virgo narrows focus. The Mercurial function moves away from its mapping behaviors, which we see in its co-rulership in Gemini, and instead takes in the details and tries to organize and arrange them. Virgoan Mercury is still about consciousness, but it finds solace in the service of differentiating what is useful from what is not. Analyzing what is needed now, what will be needed tomorrow, and how to create bridges between the two. 

Sometimes Virgo consciousness gets stuck in patterns of lack. Virgo is  aware of so much. It is a sign associated with pressure and crisis. 

And so… Virgo problem solves. Discerns. Distinguishes. And within the energy of the Virgin is held the oh-so-vital wisdom that all processes of analysis and organization should serve a purpose and not get lost in rumination. For life is short. And the abyss is right over there across the circle, waiting for us all. And also? That we are whole unto ourselves. In a really good way. Shadow, fog, mist and bright little light all together in one perfectly imperfect bundle.

This Virgo New Moon exists in a tension with the abyss, represented astrologically by an opposition with Neptune in Pisces – a storm of fog within the mists. Mercury is in the process of stationing, also in Virgo. When Mercury stations, we say it is “stormy” – it can be hard to get a read on things. Miscommunications within and without abound. 

At this point, we have all been through an extended process with Venus, now moving direct again and shining bright as morning star. A process that was meant to help us get in touch with our core values and with what is most important. Many of us have chosen or been forced into reevaluations of our relationships. Maybe you felt some clarity around the time of Venus’ station (September 3), but my bet is that for many of you, there has still been quite a bit of swirling going on.

The time for forward movement is upon us.

This New Moon makes a trine to Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, both promising that the energy is right for moving forward. Jupiter stabilizes the Virgo blend, blowing a kiss to well thought out plans that support our growth. Uranus lets us know how easy it can be to make intentional change. Even with Neptune in the mix. 

We also have a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. The presence of all of the outer planets so strongly in the mix points towards transformative manifestation. So put some thought into what you want to work towards now. Ground it in service to something bigger than you in ways that are humble yet boundaried (lest ye lean into the self-sacrificial shadow of the Virgo-Pisces polarity).

Imagine yourself rising above the clouds to get a view of the beautiful colors below. Or visualize yourself walking out of the water and drying off. Make note of how your consciousness has grown over the last few months – in joyful as well as painful ways. Spend some time thinking about what it is you have to offer the world, and then make plans in the weeks between now and the Full Moon on the 29th to shine your light (while you got one*). 

*Yes, that is a Dave Matthews Band lyric. 

Amanda is a queer astrologer who is very into relational, evolutionary and psychological astrologies. Sometimes she also writes about the world and her place in it.
You can support her work — and get rad incentives like monthly
AstroCircles, New Moon ritual guidance and one on one sessions if you want them — on Patreon.

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