Astrology + Soul Work

At my core, I am an archeologist of the soul — helping my clients to excavate patterns and potentials past, present and future..

The words below will help you orient to my approach and how I structure my services.

Regardless of whether we work together once or over the course of many years, my approach to one on one sessions is relational, therapeutic and transformative. The goal is to help you understand the cycles of your life so that you feel empowered to more confidently navigate this thing we call being human. This often includes a discussion of potential blind spots and ways to gauge readiness for working through them.

Although I am in some ways an intuitive practitioner, to claim the label astrologer means that what I say will be rooted in the symbolism of your chart. In addition to my roots in evolutionary, queer and archetypal astrologies, sessions sometimes incorporate techniques and interpretations from Hellenistic astrology. Sessions also incorporate your lived experience, joys and struggles to understand more about the ways your path has been woven through time.

The nature of these sessions is therapeutic, which is important to note for two reasons. First, because sensitive issues such as shame, guilt, trauma and the events of early childhood can sometimes surface. Second, because although I am not a licensed therapist, a session with me often incorporates embodied practices which are supported by my significant experience doing this work and my training in depth psychology, psychosynthesis and somatic parts work to help us navigate and work with what comes up.

You can read more about my background, lens and approach to the work here.

My relationship to prediction
Astrology be uncannily concretely predictive, which is part of what makes it so powerful. Although these kinds of fated events might be a part of our conversation, concretely predicting the events of your future is not the focus of my work.

Astrology as I practice it helps us to uncover answers to the questions “why am I here?” and “how do I work with what has happened/is happening”? It is reliably predictive in terms of the spiritual and emotional undercurrents of your life, as well as the timing of those cycles as they ripple in from the past and out to the future. It is not as reliably predictive when it comes to what choices you will make due to those undercurrents, or what will Happen To You in any concrete way. Additionally, factors such as socio-economic status, upbringing, culture, family of origin and other external circumstances very much impact the way a natal chart is expressed in an individual. These are the intersections of fate and free will.

I will not predict your death, the outcome or medical nature of illness, or specific yes/nos when it comes to fertility. We will uncover insights, predict the heck out of the past and talk about why that is helpful, and center your autonomy, power and intuition to help you understand and navigate potentials.

Session Types

Initial Astrology Consultation (75 minutes | $240)
(starting point; required for ongoing consult work;
available via zoom and in person)
Initial consults are for those looking for a standalone astrology reading as well as those who wish to do ongoing work with me. These sessions will primarily focus on the techniques of evolutionary astrology, which emphasize Pluto and the lunar nodes. This allows us to quickly narrow in on the baseline currents of your life including unconscious dynamics and emotional patterns. These sessions are an invitation to get better insight into your challenges and potentially your traumas, and then learn about how the rest of your chart relates to that — and what you can do with that information.

This session runs for 75 minutes. About 10 minutes will be used at the beginning for a guided meditation/visualization to help us drop into the field and what is alive within us at the time of the consult. You can expect about 60 minutes to be spent talking about the chart and your questions, and then about 5 minutes for breathing and integration.
(Sliding scale available; see scheduling page below for details)

Ongoing Consults: A Therapeutic + Relational Approach (50 minutes | $120-160 sliding scale)
(for clients who have had a session with me in the last 6 months;
available via zoom and in person)
I deeply value relational work and the container that can be built between practitioner and client. As we develop a relationship over time, I am able to see how your chart lives through you and understand the nuances of your life, which improves my ability to support you. These sessions take one of two forms:

  1. Soulful mentorship, guidance and support (monthly, quarterly, semi-regularly): for seekers and/or astro-fans who want to talk about their life in terms of astrology and spirituality, including guidance for deepening astrological and spiritual practice and/or at-will check-ins. These sessions can include astrology, tarot, dream work, ritual design, energy work, energetic boundary work, transformative dialogue and more and are always guided by your intention and what you bring to the session. Suggested frequency: monthly, quarterly, as needed

  2. Somatic Psychosynthesis Sessions (weekly, biweekly): for folks who are looking for more frequent therapeutic support with a practitioner who is comfortable with metaphysics, witchcraft, magic, spirit work, astrology and approaches to psychology and spirituality that aren’t based in the conventional paradigm. These sessions make use of my extensive training in psychosynthesis, somatic parts work and depth psychology and provide a container for lasting change with the ultimate goal of connecting you with your deepest sense of self. Please note that although I have several certifications and over a decade of experience, I am not a licensed therapist and that I will refer out if/as needed. To inquire about signing up for these sessions, please fill out this form.

Returning Client Sessions (50 minutes | $175)
(for clients who have not had a session in the last 6 months; available via zoom and in person)
These sessions are meant for folks who I have not worked with in more than six months. They can include current astro weather updates (transits/progressions), tarot, dream work and ritual design.
(BIPOC can use code “BIPOC” for 15% off)

Somatic Exploration + Energetic Integration (75 minutes | $160)
no intake required; Ongoing Consult clients who would like a longer session are welcome to book at this level; available via zoom and in person)
These sessions explore your multidimensional reality and the connection between body, mind, soul and spirit through sensation, imagination, creativity and embodied experience. Although every session looks different, at its core we will create a container for gentle and powerful healing for your whole system. You can learn more about these sessions here.
(BIPOC can use code “BIPOC” for 15% off)

Relationship Readings (90 minutes | $300)
(available via zoom)
I offer Relationship Readings for folks who are interested in applying the lens of evolutionary astrology to their relationship. These sessions are meant for any two people in any kind of relationship, and require that both people are present for the session. I recommend that both people have an individual astrology reading with me or another practitioner prior to this session because that will give you each a better foundation, but it is not required. These sessions will not focus on each individual’s natal chart, but will instead center insights from synastry, composite and transit charts.
(Sliding scale is not available)

Tutoring, Mentorship & Supervision
(available via zoom)
I offer these sessions for folks who are learning astrology or who are practicing astrologers needing guidance with client work. Read more over here.

Schedule A Session Below

*all astrology prices include prep time and a recording of your session if you want it; please read the terms and conditions provided at the time of booking