Leo Full Moon Luv

Hi, y'allz.

I've seen quite a bit of "OMG THIS FULL MOON AAAAAAAAH!" going around, so just wanted to say a few words about it.

The biggest reason folks are "AAAAH!" panicking over this lunation is because it takes place in a tight square with Uranus, planet of sudden shocks. 

First, a reminder: if following the astro of the moment becomes dysregulating or activating for you, my advice is always to step away from astrology for a bit. Don't dig into it more. Find what gives you hope and a sense of being held. I recommend spiritual practice, whatever that means for you. Or, like, basic self care and whatever you can do to move towards affirming your unconditional love for yourself.

Now, if you are experiencing "life stuff" and an astrologer is like "OMG THIS FULL MOON AAAAAAH!", that might actually be somewhat helpful for you. There's a kind of "phewf, I'm not in this alone!" response that can be really validating. So if you’re in that camp, great! That’s why sometimes, when the astro is all up in my own business, I try to be honest about it. I know it can resonate.

But there can be a fine line between amping up fear in a way that stokes emotional contagion vs honest expression that helps folks feel less alone. So when it comes to regular ol' lunations, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Lunations are real quick. Generally speaking, they are most likely to be associated with emotional reactions and responses. This means that those emotional states will likely be fleeting (think 1-3 days max, with the release feeling fairly palpable in the hours after the lunation is exact).

These emotional reactions might also be giving you some information, so if you have bandwidth, try to witness the emotion and ask yourself questions about it. Simple is helpful: what am I feeling? What do I need? How might I be able to get that need met?

When Uranus comes into the picture, remember that as an outer planet, Uranus is often referring to what is happening on the world stage. Lunations that involve outer planets can coincide with events that happen at the historic/social/collective/political levels. So when it comes to that fear of Uranian sudden shocks or loss or changes, know that lunations are about events "out there", too. We can anticipate seeing the archetypes in action on the world stage when we have crunchy lunations going on. Often more so than at the personal level.

Basic advice for when Uranus is emphasized in a lunation: take some extra care with things like driving, running, or any activities that might be more prone to "accidents." 

More advice for when Uranus is emphasized in a lunation (especially if you have points or planets in your natal chart around the same degrees being emphasized): remember that Uranus is about liberation -- from whatever needs to go. It has that breakdown to breakthrough thing going for it.

Unlike a more discord-for-discord's stake archetype (like Eris), Uranus is about that which brings you into more alignment with your process of individuation and becoming more of yourself. Don't get me wrong, sometimes U-dawg experiences feel jolting and unwelcome, and as an archetype it is associated with trauma of the “I just got knocked out of myself” kind. But a lot of the time, Uranian experiences are just about bringing us into more congruence and helping us to let go of outdated stuff. You don’t have to look for reason and purpose immediately. But with a little hindsight, the divine mechanisms are often apparent.

At a baseline, we humans tend to hate change. But alas... it is the natural order of things.

So,  do what you can to use this as an opportunity for learning about why you cling to what you cling to -- and be open to letting go. 

ROAR in the face of what scares you. Call on creativity and courage. Express what you’re experiencing in some kind of artistic way — even if that is just an outfit or a different hair style.

And if you need more support, there's always that Full Moon call my Patron friends have access to on Monday (and every month around the time of the Full Moon)...

Full Moon Hugs,



Pisces Magic


Aquarius New Moon