Pisces Magic
Pisces is magic. It is the spaces where a whole realm of experience converges and releases to the imagination for incubation until a new spark is born.
I love Pisces season for its dreaminess and the ethereal vibes that undulate and flow as the world outside starts to come back to life. As Pisces season matures, we start to see colors popping from the ground, rainbows, moody weather... What has become dormant within starts to stir as we remember warmth, light and abundance.
This year, our Pisces New Moon takes place at the beginning of the sign, calling us within and asking for some form of release as we prepare for the mega-initiations of the next lunar cycle. An out of sign conjunction with Saturn, now in the final degrees of Aquarius, can certainly bring up feelings of isolation. But my gut check is that it has more to do with opportunities for crystalizing the dream.
So what are you dreaming about? Remember that waking dreams are just as potent as the ones that come when we are asleep.
Venus in Pisces is leading the way, gathering up a butterfly net of golden light to bless us with as we head into a new era. First defined by Saturn entering Pisces on March 7, and then Pluto plunging into Aquarius for a little taste test... but it goes beyond that. In the next several years Uranus and Neptune will change signs as well, and we will have a whole new energetic tool kit for facing the great work of our lifetimes: the work of transitioning our paradigm into one that supports all life.
This Pisces lunar cycle can help us to not only heal through release, surrender and forgiveness, but incubate the visions that have been stirring in our psyches.
At the personal level, I am feeling super stoked for this lunation. I have an inherent bias for all things Pisces anyway, I feel excited about upcoming changes (not because of any specific delineation of planetary ingresses, but because I just like change), and because when I lean in, I feel all kinds of potential for tapping into the imaginal realms. In my own world right now, it is taking very little for me to connect with the "other worlds" and it feels very creatively potent.
Additionally, I'm really intrigued by the fact that two of the asteroids I track -- Isis (#42) and Sophia (#251) are highlighted at this time. Isis is currently retrograde in Virgo and will be stationing in an opposition to this lunation point later on this year, providing some balance and integration for Saturn in Pisces. Sophia is waiting for Mars to catch up to her and will be escorting him on the rest of his post-ret shadow phase journey. The latter gives me hope for some light and wisdom to be manifesting on the world stage. The former gives me a nudge to tell any of you who work with Isis to be sure to check in with her, whatever that means for you. She has a good, good time in Virgo and my sense is that she's pretty into helping with practical healing matters right now.
All of that said, I would be remiss in my role as a grief worker if I did not mention associations between Pisces and grief. This is not only because I think that Saturn in Pisces will increase opportunities and necessity for grief work, but also because we are nearing the 3 year anniversary of the first lock-downs due to the pandemic. We live in a world that is never going back to the way it used to be, and as far as I can tell, most folks are not equipped to and do not have support for adequately dealing with significant trauma -- which everyone has experienced, albeit to differing degrees. Regardless, this is a major collective trauma-versary that is worthy of love, care and gentleness.
If you are landing more on the grief end of the Pisces magic spectrum, or have bandwidth for or interest in doing some grief work this cycle, I recommend the books "The Smell of Rain on Dust", "Grievers" by adrienne maree brown, and, of course, Joanna Macy and The Work That Reconnects. I also recommend trips to the ocean, ritualizing things like washing your hands, drinking water, bathing, standing in the rain, and working with tears -- through imagery (tears and seeds take the same shape, you know!), crying, reading stories and listening to emotional music.
This lunation really is a time of releasing and tuning in so that you can have a better idea of what seeds you want to plant for the next New Moon, which takes place March 21 and is a WOWEE lunation. We will be using the first part of AstroCircle in March to work with the energies, so stay tuned.
Amanda is a queer astrologer who is very into relational, evolutionary and psychological astrologies. You can support her work — and get rad incentives like monthly AstroCircles, New Moon ritual guidance and one on one sessions — on Patreon.